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O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (OMB) logo

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (OMB)


Illia Khudiakov, Project manager for OMB

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Brief Description

O.M. Beketov NUUE in Kharkiv was founded in 1922 and now teaches more than 7 thousand students. The university educates highly qualified specialists in various fields, such as energy, architecture, urban transport, construction, economy and management, ecology etc. Significant attention is given to sustainable development of Ukraine through preparing specialists and implementing scientific and capacity building projects for international organizations (GIZ GmbH, IEEA etc.), the Ukrainian government, local communities. Also, OMB has an extensive experience collaborating with local authorities and government and twinning experience with Loughborough University in the project “Innovative cities: best practices of post-war reconstruction”.

Role in the U_CAN Project

In the U_CAN project our university is the leading partner for Creation of U_CAN project platform for knowledge sharing and networking. We are responsible for creating the concept of the platform and forming the content to be placed on the platform. As experts in urban ecology and energy efficiency we are the leading partner for deployment of a methodology for data requirement to assess climate neutrality and impact indicators in pilot cities, participate in implementation of pilot projects in the cities and assessment of generated impact, creation of guidelines, procedures and approaches to decarbonization of industries, buildings retrofit and repurposing of war-affected demolition materials.

Our Team

Coordinator Contact Details

Technische Universitaet Dresden,

WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture

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