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City of Dresden - Landeshauptstadt Dresden (LHD) logo

City of Dresden - Landeshauptstadt Dresden (LHD)


Regine Kramer, City Mission facilitator, coordinator of city engagement in EU projects

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Brief Description

Dresden, with over half a million inhabitants, is one of the largest cities in the east of the Federal Republic of Germany and, thanks to its centrality and vicinity to the Czech Republic and Poland, it is a gateway to eastern Europe. Dresden is a city of knowledge and skills. Almost half of all workers have scientific and technological careers or have studied a subject in that field. The people of Dresden have a deep-rooted tradition of engineering and openness towards new technologies. The interdisciplinary collaboration between businesses and research facilities helps move Dresden forward. The city council of Dresden approved in 2016 the “Zukunft2025+” IDUC, an integrated development urban concept. It paved the way for a Smart City by taking up the concept for the first time. The Smart City strategy of Dresden found its place in the guiding strategic planning documents approved by the city council and discussed with citizens in the course of the planning process. In 2022 the City of Dresden joined the EU cities mission "100climate neutral and smart cities by 2030" in order to accelerate its ambition towards a net zero city.

Role in the U_CAN Project

In the U_CAN project the City of Dresden acts as a facilitator city between the EU cities mission, the NetZeroCities platform and the U_CAN partnership. In particular it helps to foster exchange of experiences and knowledge, focusing on cooperation with the city of Khmelnytskyi.

Our Team

Coordinator Contact Details

Technische Universitaet Dresden,

WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture

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